Senin, 23 April 2018

Daily Activity (Versi Inggris)

Daily Activity (Versi Inggris)


Monday, April 23, 2018

            Meet again on my blog as usual i will tell you what i am doing today we enter the rotation menu 2.3 is Indonesia food which consists of Jalangkote (Appetizer), Soso Utan (Soup), Konro Bakar and Nasi Putih (Maincourse ), Pisang Ijo (Dessert).)At 7.45 i arrived at the campus and waited for my friends and supervisor behind the kitchen.At 08.00 we were oneline and in the absent of one unit and our equipment was check and after that we were oneline in cold kitchen and pray. after that we then review by the supervisor and after that we immediately prepare and doing and my group get menu maincourse (konro bakar and nasi putih).

         At 13.00 i took a break to go pray dzuhur.after that i went back to the kitchen to help continue prepare my group friend.After that while waiting for our meat soft i help other group to arrange prepare.after that it we order oneline by supervisor to oneline back and we are give direction and punishment for what we have done.

          After that  Agung come in and gave us directions about our mistake and after that hem out again. After that at 15.40 we are directly order to the general cleaning (GC) and at 16.20 we take a break and wait for another friend who again pray.after that everything is complete at 16.30 through our oneline and pray to go home.

And this is our prepare today and tomorrow we just finishing.


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