Senin, 12 Maret 2018

Daily Activity (Versi Inggris)

Daily Activity (Versi Inggris)

           Assalamualaikum and good morning meet again on my blog,usual i will tell you about what i doing.on this day, Monday, March 12 i entered in the week of practice. at 07.30 i arrived at campus and usual i waited for my other friends and supervisor.when everything was complete at 08.00 we are oneline and in absent one by one and our equipment is checked by the supervisor and after all in absent we keep our items in locker and after that we oneline again and pray usual.

          at 08.30 we were give material or direction by chef Dino and after that we were taught how to sharpen the knife by using sharpening 09.45 we immediately prepare and doing and my group get the dessert menu and finished at 15.00 and after that we direct the general cleaning (GC) and at 15.50 everything has been finished and we also rest for a while.

         at 17.00 we were sent oneline at the main kitchen and chef Dino give some more directives about what we had to do tomorrow.after that we immediately mopp the kitchen floor because there is still water inundated and watering the drainage that has not been clean.after we finish again for a moment and at 17.40 we are order oneline again by Mr.ical and Mr.ical give a little direction about what we do today and give direction about our project going forward. after that we immediately pray and go home.

And this is the result of our preparation today for Brioche:

and this is the result of the batter and tomorrow our new form:

And since we forgot to photograph prepare for pie so we have no photo prepare and that there is only photo when already dough already so:

And this when give custard cream stuffing and we forget to photograph prepare we make custard cream and when finish in bake:

and tomorrow everything we finish.


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